Ramazan As Salam ! Ramazan As Salam ! !
Alhamdulillah ! Again with lots of happiness and mercy and gifts, Ramazan Mubarak has came among us. To prove the Mercy and Glory of Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala, the Ramazan Mubarak came among us. One of the five pillars of Islam is Roza or Saom and another is Zakat. Roza purifies our health and mind and Zakat purifies our assets and money which is related to our Rizik. Ramazan is the blessings among us from the Almighty Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala for the followers (Ummat) of Great prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM). In this month of Ramazan, Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala send us the complete code of life Quran Mazid without which our lives might be in chaos.The teachings of Qura'an Majid guides us to live better lives. The most beneficient Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala gifts us following most important neyamat during this month of Ramazan: 1) One who perform any good deed, he/she will earn 70 times more sawab for that deed. So, one for 70x (Subhan Allah!); 2) In...